William Linthout
Asse (Belgium)
William Linthout fotografie
When they come with the wedding cake I am always curious about what is going to happen and ready to take the right pictures and the amazement on the faces of these 3 children was a blessing.
Marlies Dekker
Rotterdam (Netherlands)
Marlies Dekker Fotografie
Alexis Pauwels
Brussels (Belgium)
Alexis Pauwels Photography
Miriam Folak
Meinerzhagen (Germany)
Miriam Folak Fotografie
Niels & Lieke Caminada
Leiden (Netherlands)
de Bruidsgasten
Trisha Keel
Davenport (United States)
Keel Co Photo + Video
Ilse Hofman
Veenendaal (Netherlands)
Photos by Ilse
Belinda Alfonso Beltrán
Valencia (Spain)
Leonore Bakker
Veldhoven (Netherlands)
Zenn Creations
Bart Boodts
Antwerpen (Belgium)
Bart Boodts Photography